Many managers face the need to increase the productivity of their subordinates. Most often, they have to look for answers to the following questions:
How productive are my employees?
Are only some employees ineffective, or is the whole organization performing poorly?
Am I utilizing remote workers properly?
Does the staff understand the tasks set?
Is my team motivated?
The employee monitoring system OctoWatch uses a data-driven approach to analyze employee performance. The system collects all possible information about users’ activities and behavior, which can be used for analyzing labor productivity.
Productive/unproductive, active/inactive time will show how hardworking your employees are.
The time tracking system will demonstrate how diligently employees adhere to their work schedules.
Automated rules will ensure safety and reduce unproductive behavior.
OctoWatch is more than just a time tracker. The system will protect your organization from theft, sabotage, and other user actions through intelligent internal threat detection and data loss prevention features.
Performance Evaluation
Managers need to know how their employees are spending their work time. This evaluation issue is particularly acute in medium and large companies. By implementing an activity monitoring system, you will see who among your employees is working diligently and who is unnecessary "ballast." New reports in the Analytics section will show the most and least effective employees.
Content Blocking
OctoWatch, as a DLP system, has many capabilities for blocking information transfer channels. This functionality can also be applied to tasks of increasing labor productivity (for example, centrally blocking entertainment resources and games).
Work Discipline Evaluation
Access control systems show the time of an employee's arrival but do not provide the actual start time, end time of the workday, the number and duration of breaks. Our product does not have this deficiency. You will have an understanding of the full structure of the workday for each employee or department.
Business Process Analysis
With OctoWatch, you can analyze business processes at both individual and team levels, identifying knowledge gaps, duplication of responsibilities, ambiguous goals, etc. For example, by analyzing activity, you may find that a responsible programmer is forced to constantly participate in client consulting due to poor preparation by the client manager.